Unit Game Signups for 349er Game

Published On: August 11th, 20240 Comments on Unit Game Signups for 349er Game

From Susie Leo:

Hi 349ers!

Saturday, August 17, is the Unit game. Let’s get LOTS of you registered so we can offer the back room to you again. We have three pairs signed up so far.

There is an additional attraction for you! Don is doing a post-mortem after play for 2 of the hands you will have just played. This is an incredible opportunity to learn some great bridge tips! Everyone is invited.

Please talk to your bridge buddies and get this game going strong. There is always room for you in the front room at the Open Game, but history shows that you have more fun in the back……just sayin’.

Respond directly to me at susie@susieleo.com.

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