Unit 479 Board Meeting Report
Dear Unit 479 members:
Our Treasurer, Carole Schmitz, reported that the finances remain basically the same as last month. We have about $13,000 in Unit funds plus $6726 in the Save Bridge Fund. Carole reported that she has had no request for a pro rata return of the donated “save bridge” funds.
I emailed a request on August 30, 2020, asking for feedback on my report of the August 16 board meeting. I received 38 responses, all of which were positive and in favor of Bing’s proposal of adding one year to all board member terms. Before the board proceeds in that direction we would like to give anyone who wishes to run for the board next year the opportunity to let us know. Please do so by October 1, 2020. We hope to make a decision at our next board meeting on October 11, 2020. If you wish to be on the board please contact me or any board member.
We need to have an annual meeting of some kind. What form that will take has not yet been determined. However the board did decide that there is no chance we will have a face-to-face bridge event/meeting next February. Shadow Hills will be notified that we will not be having that event on February 7, 2021 as was scheduled.
Beginning January 1, 2021, it is our turn to supply the Area 8 representative to District 20. Area 8 consists of Salem, Corvallis and Eugene clubs. Dennis Harms from Corvallis is the current area representative. District representatives rotate and serve 3- year terms. Dennis is completing Irva Neyhart’s 3-year term after she moved to Portland and was unable to finish her 3 years. Due to the unusual year and lack of face-to-face bridge, Dennis offered and the board accepted, his proposal to stay on for one more year. That means Eugene will need to come up with an Area 8 representative for 2022.
The board also decided not to have a unit game until we can do so face-to-face. Although it is possible to have one through BBO and EBC, the consensus was that the financial gain would be miniscule compared to the effort needed to have a unit game.
If you would like to give feedback to me or the board about anything feel free to do that. HOWEVER it is preferred by most members that you don’t use REPLY ALL. Please only reply to me or a board member.
Thank you for your attention to these matters.
John Wolf