Unit 479, with about 130 members, is responsible for the promotion and advancement of bridge in the area. We work in cooperation with the ACBL and District 20 to support the programs and goals of the organization. The unit’s board of directors holds monthly meetings on Zoom. Meetings are held the second Sunday of each month. Unit members are welcome to attend. Contact the unit president to be included in the Zoom meeting.
Election of unit officers and directors is held before the February unit game. Any member of the unit is eligible to run in the election.
The unit also puts on the Eugene Sectional and Intermediate/Newcomer Regional tournament once a year. Typically this is held the first weekend in June.
District 20 holds regional tournaments throughout the year.
District 20 covers some of northern California; Vancouver, Washington; northwestern Nevada; and all of Oregon and Hawaii. District 20 is further divided into 28 units of which we are one.
More district information can be found on the district’s website.
The Board Members
President — Betsy Ovitt
Vice President — Doug Berg
Secretary — Marna Knoer
Treasurer — Carole Schmitz
Board Director — Andrzej Proskurowski
Board Director — Ned Forman
Board Director — John Cissel
Board Director — John Thomas
Board Director — Susie Leo
Representing Emerald Bridge Club — Don Marsh
Past President — John Wolf