349ers: Two Events in January You’ll Want to Attend
From Susie Leo:
Hi 349ers!
I wanted to remind you that there are TWO events in January that you will totally love to attend! I promise. Actually There are actually events at our club on every Saturday in January, but I am only addressing the ones that are of special interest to you!
Saturday, January 20 is the UNIT game. You know the drill. Please email me (susie@susieleo.com) if you plan to attend so we can reserve the back room for you. If you don’t have a partner, ask around or find one through this email address. I will send out updated lists so you can see if someone needs a pard. We would love to have another great turnout!
Saturday, January 27 is the Mentor/Mentee game at 9:30. If you have never participated in one of these, NOW is the time! You will totally love it! Basically, you will be paired with someone who has more experience than you do. It is FRIENDLY, HELPFUL, and ENCOURAGING to get to play with someone like our wonderful Mentors.
I will send out more information in the next week or so about the Mentor/Mentee game. There is a Sign Up Sheet at the club on the bulletin board. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity!
Happy New Year!