• We have a new format for the Swiss Team game. Currently it is referred to as a Swiss Mixer. What’s that, you ask? It is a combination of a Swiss Team and an opportunity for some possible mentoring in a fun and supportive environment.

    Here are the details.

    1. C players will sign up with another regular C partner just like you do when you play in the back room at the Unit games.
    2. A players and B players will also sign up as pairs with your regular partners.
    3. 4-person teams will then be created so that each team will have one A pair and one C pair.
    4. B players will be assigned a team, so don’t worry. You will have a seat at the table! You may be N/S or E/W, depending on how many sign up.

    If there is time between the sessions, players will have the opportunity to ask questions and make comments.

    Date: Saturday, January 4

    Time: Play begins at 9:30. Be there around 9:00 so you can get together with your team.

    Where to sit: The A players will all sit N/S. The C players will all sit E/W. B players will sit where Don tells them to. (Hee hee)


    Published On: December 29th, 20240 Comments on Attention! Swiss Mixer on January 4
  • Wishing you and yours a great holiday!

    Published On: December 22nd, 20240 Comments on Merry Christmas!
  • From Susie Leo:

    Hi Green Room Players/349ers,

    The next Unit game is on Saturday, December 21.

    If you want to once again have your Green Room (back room) reserved for players with 0-349 Master Points for the Unit Game, please send me an email with your name and your partner’s name. If you don’t have a partner, use the Partnership Desk email to ask for one.

    Send your email Back Room Unit Game reservations to me at susie@susieleo.com.

    UNIT Game is on Saturday, December 21

    Food is at 9:00

    Bridge is at 9:30

    Please note that Saturday December 14 is the Swiss Team event. They are TWO DIFFERENT BRIDGE EVENTS. You are totally welcome to play in both, but I wanted to highlight that there are TWO bridge events at the Emerald Bridge Club on the next Saturdays.

    See you at the club!


    Published On: December 9th, 20240 Comments on Unit Game Saturday December 21
  • 499ers mark your calendars! Eugene/Springfield Unit 479 has scheduled a sectional tournament for April 11-12, 2025 at Emerald Bridge Club in Springfield, Oregon.

    This is an opportunity to earn silver points in a limited-game environment. So if you are a non-Life Master with 499 masterpoints or fewer, join us for a fun time in April.

    Two sessions will be held each day.

    Here is the tournament flyer.

  • Swiss teams will be Saturday, December 14th. Lots of folks responded that they would be able to play on that date so we will see if we can make it work.

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. We are truly grateful and thankful to be part of such a caring and loving and, most of all, fun group of folks.

    Sherri and Don

  • This message is for our 349er players.

    Kevin Kacmarynski is going to present 4 free classes at an upcoming regional tournament. He has asked for input on what topics would be most helpful to our 349ers aka I/N players.

    Here is how you can help. Please email me back with your answers to these bridge questions. If you have other questions, send those too! These are just to spark your mind to think about gaps in your own game.

    1. What area of bridge do you feel you need the most help with? Bidding? Defense? Play of the hand? All of them?
    2. What specific topic would you choose to have a lesson on? Some ideas are slam bidding, defense against NT, cue bids, etc.
    3. What are partnership agreements and why are they so important?

    Please get back to me by Monday, November 25, if you have ideas for lesson topics. Be as specific as possible.

    Thank you for helping Kevin! 😊
