• Leigh’s family would like to gather and share some time and a few good stories. We are going to do this on Saturday, October 16th. That is the morning of the Unit game. The idea is to gather after the game and have lunch. Because Leigh’s son will be coming from Sacramento that morning, we are going to move the start of the Unit game back by a half-hour to 10:00AM.

    EBC/Unit will provide the lunch. Salad, sandwiches, and Leigh’s famous butternut squash soup.

    So, to be clear. The Unit game will start at 10:00. Following the game, we will all gather, have lunch, and share our best Leigh stories. So, even if you cannot make the Unit game, please plan on attending the lunch and memorial for Leigh which will follow the game at approximately 1:30.


  • It is with great sadness that we share with all of you the passing of Leigh Wells.

    He was home and surrounded with a very, very loving family in his last days.

    Our thoughts go out to all his family members. We will have more to share later.


    From Paul Craviotto:
    Such a good gentleman! He will be missed, RIP Leigh!

    From Ali Amory:
    “Just a simple little game” he would mumble while shaking his head in fake confusion 😂

    From Joyce Spence:
    Leigh was an Emerald Bridge Club institution and will be sorely missed.

    From Ralph Zack:
    The club has lost a major asset.  Leigh was willing to partner with anyone and he would improve the partnership and teach his partner in a very gentle way.  We have suffered a great loss.  He was a terrific guy and I am proud to say he was a great buddy.

    From Jill Foster:
    Leigh was such a patient and kind person and partner. We will miss him.

    Published On: August 31st, 20210 Comments on Leigh Wells
  • This was shared by Sydney and Richard Hatch:

    Virginia Craven Wallace Garver went to meet her God at 6:23 pm, Friday, August 6 accompanied by the love of her children.  It was a peaceful departure from her earthly bonds. Thank you for all your prayers.

    From Roy Lisi:

    My dear friend and bridge partner, Virginia Garver, left us last Friday evening at 6:23. She turned 100 on June 15. She was six months younger than my mother.

    She had been quite healthy and active up to the last year, but suffered several falls in 2020, and caught Covid in December while convalescing from a broken arm. Recovering nicely from that, she lived in The Springs At Greer Gardens until she fell and broke her hip two weeks ago. She was on the way to recovery from that episode when her lungs began to fill with fluid. That was her final battle.

    It was typical of her that, in December 2018, she told me that she was putting away her driver’s license and keys. She asked if I would commit to driving her when possible, because after all, she had “been driving for 83 years, and that’s enough.”

    We all will miss her so much.

    We will update this post as we get more information.

    Published On: August 7th, 20210 Comments on Virginia Garver has passed away
  • Sorry to have to report that Norma Smith passed away early this morning. She was 96.

    Norma was a long-time member of our community and served for several years in a very active role as a member of the Unit Board. Among her many accomplishments, Norma was Human Resources Director for Bumble Bee Seafood in Astoria.

    I had the good fortune of partnering with Norma when she achieved the rank of Life Master when we placed 1st in a pairs event at a Regional in Portland. We won the event by a half-point by being the only pair to bid 7NT on one board. We always had a good laugh about it because I said after the hand was over, “Oh, everybody will be there.” We were the only pair bidding 7 and Norma took great delight in that fact. Every time I would arrive at her table, she would say, “Just bid 7NT.” She was a good person and will be missed. We extend our wishes to her daughter Leilani Norman.


  • From Don and Sherri:

    Sorry to have to pass along the news that Janne Davis has passed away. Will pass along more details as we get them. I believe her sister, Lois, is residing at The Springs.


    From Doug and Joyce:

    Joyce and I will really miss Janne. When we first joined the club, we always looked forward to sitting at the table with Janne and Lois.

    They were a comedy team! The quips came thick and fast. Sweet and gracious ladies.

    I know Lois is elderly, but my hope is when the club re-opens, we might see her again.

    Published On: December 13th, 20200 Comments on Passing of Janne Davis
  • From Don and Sherri:

    We are all so saddened by the loss of our beloved Kathleen Wilt. What a truly amazing woman. It is a true reflection of who she was that in her final days, with time and energy so precious, that she devoted a significant portion of that precious time and energy to making personalized cards for her many friends…nearly a 150….of drawings and poems to express her appreciation. Which of us would do that? Kathleen was a constant teacher to all of us to be present in the moment and to always treasure that moment. She will be so missed. We extend our sincere sympathies to her husband John and all her family members.

    If you want to send a card to John, the address is 106 McClure Lane, Eugene, OR 97404.

    Published On: November 5th, 20200 Comments on Kathleen Wilt