Virginia Garver has passed away
This was shared by Sydney and Richard Hatch:
Virginia Craven Wallace Garver went to meet her God at 6:23 pm, Friday, August 6 accompanied by the love of her children. It was a peaceful departure from her earthly bonds. Thank you for all your prayers.
From Roy Lisi:
My dear friend and bridge partner, Virginia Garver, left us last Friday evening at 6:23. She turned 100 on June 15. She was six months younger than my mother.
She had been quite healthy and active up to the last year, but suffered several falls in 2020, and caught Covid in December while convalescing from a broken arm. Recovering nicely from that, she lived in The Springs At Greer Gardens until she fell and broke her hip two weeks ago. She was on the way to recovery from that episode when her lungs began to fill with fluid. That was her final battle.
It was typical of her that, in December 2018, she told me that she was putting away her driver’s license and keys. She asked if I would commit to driving her when possible, because after all, she had “been driving for 83 years, and that’s enough.”
We all will miss her so much.
We will update this post as we get more information.