Silver Linings, New Game Coming Up
From Don and Sherri:
Monday begins another Silver Linings Week. All Silver and double points. For this week, we will be adding a 299er game on Thursday. The game will start at 12:15. So, you can play in the Open game that day or the 299er.
We know that ACBL just sent out a notice indicating that the restrictions per playing in other Virtual clubs have been modified somewhat. We also are aware that at some point back there, some of you may have received an email inviting you to play in the limited points game in Corvallis. In fact, it might have looked like it came from EBC. It did not. While we totally understand that sometimes it works out better to play in other games, we want you to know that we will do whatever we can to make it easy for you to play in our games. The Virtual Club is how we are able to pay the rent.
One thing we are considering is running a parallel 299er (or less) game along with the Open game on Tuesday and/or Thursday. Let us know if this has some appeal for you or if there are other options you would like us to consider.
Stay safe. Stay sane.